Sunday, March 8, 2009

Team USA

The Ladies admit to having become quite taken with Team USA. They all look like they're having so much fun, getting along like a Boy Scout troop on a camping trip. A couple of things have come to our attention; maybe our alert readers can back up our observations:

Did David Wright and/or the Mets do something personally to piss off ESPN announcer Rick Sutcliff? We realize you are jealous that you are no longer pitching in the bigs, but what's with the love for EVERY player on the team except DWright? Is he too handsome for you? We haven't seen such biased announcing since Al Leiter joined up with YES.

For those of you in Milwalkee - what's with Ryan Braun's tongue? We are intrigued. Watch him next game, and tell us what you think, Ladies.

With last night's win over Venezuela, Team USA has a few days off, to further the bonding process. The Ladies predict lots of shaving-cream jokes and giggling over who has bedded the most models/actresses (we're putting our money on Jeter)

Chipper is hurt. We're shocked. This gives DWright and his gold glove third base for the foreseeable future. Not to mention his 3 for 5 from Sunday night, right, Rick? You knuckle-dragging meat.

Get well soon, Jerry!

Later, gangstas.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, Rick Sutcliffe does everything but outright profess his undying love and devotion for Jimmy Rollins. SERIOUSLY. ESPN has the worst announcing team.

    Secondly, I'll keep an eye out on Ryan.

    Third, I'd put my money on Jeter. I can count about ten girls off the top of my head and those are the ones I was old enough to know about.
