Very little, it seems, can move me to post here lately. Not that I don't love my team; quite the opposite. I am enjoying every minute of this unlikely season and the happy faces I see in the dugout. I am simply too lazy to do more than tweet, I suppose.
This cause, however, is of grave importance to every single Mets fan out there ( I know there are more of you this year - welcome, bandwagon-jumpers!!) and not just because it is being spearheaded by our lovely friend Danielle over at The Wright Stuff . It is an urgent matter because while our David has gone to great lengths to improve his somewhat questionable play from earlier this year, it seems ASG voters are not inclined to reward him. Instead, they are willing to send Placido Polanco to Anaheim. Yes, the third baseman for the Phillies. THE PHILLIES, PEOPLE!!! So do as Danielle asks - get up off your ass, go to the trusty old Dell, and VOTE!!!
See below for Danielle's press release and voting instructions:
For Immediate Release
Contact: Danielle
June 23, 2010
Unique Partnership Will Help Wright Play in Anaheim as a Starter
Flushing, NY – To raise awareness among Major League Baseball fans that David Wright is the #1 third baseman in the National League, The Wright Stuff today announced Vote the Wright Way. The event will take place through July 1st, when voting ends.
According to the site’s webmistress, Danielle, "Our Vote the Wright Way event is a great opportunity to reach out to Mets fans in our community, as well as Major League Baseball fans across the country, and alert them to imminent threat of Phillies' third baseman, Placido Polanco, starting for the National League in Anaheim. By joining together we can raise awareness about this injustice and help lead fans on the path to prevention." is a David Wright fansite that was launched in June of 2008 as a means of honoring his contributions both on and off the field. The Wright Stuff (TWS) is a fan's number one source for all things David Wright, as well as a hub for recaps and general team news. Inspired by its namesake's philanthropy, TWS launched a Tee Shirt Store in 2009 as part of its initiative to raise money for the David Wright Foundation and by the end of the year, had raised over $500 in tee shirt sales alone. All profits from the shirts were donated to the Foundation. Run by Danielle, the site has been highlighted on numerous podcasts, radio shows, and popular blogs, including Metsblog, and continues to thrive in 2010.
The Wright Stuff's activities are in partnership with Mets Blogging Network (MBN), a national internet organization that provides news and updates about the New York Mets. The campaign is sponsored by the National Blogging Network (NBN).
About Vote the Wright Way
Although significant progress has been made in increasing awareness among fans that David Wright is the #1 third baseman (halving the gap between Wright and Placido Polanco) most fail to make the connection between his statistics and the increasing risk of an undeserving Phillies player procuring the starting spot in the All Star Game. A nationwide campaign, Vote the Wright Way, is raising awareness among Mets, Yankees, Rays, and other baseball fans alike that this is a pressing issue in today's game.
The first to reach 50 RBI's in the National League, Wright has rebounded from an off-season in 2009 to become the best statistical third baseman in the National League today. His average is on a continual rise, currently resting at .291, and he is on pace to knock in 127 runs this year. In addition to his increased run production, David has experience a power surge, blasting 12 home runs in less than half of a season, which already tops his 2009 total by two. Wright has also stolen twelve bases and made a nearly immeasurable amount of stellar plays throughout the first three months of the season, while Polanco, whose .312 average is the most recent stop on a steady decline, has only hit five home runs, knocked in 25 runs, and stolen three bases.
This national campaign is building awareness of the four-time All Star, two-time Gold Glove winner, and Silver Slugger recipient, David Wright, and empowering fans to reduce and ultimately prevent the risk of having an undeserving Philadelphia player start in the 2010 All Star Game. It is reaching fans with important messages in Major League Baseball settings through a diverse network of national and grassroots partner organizations.
For more information about David Wright and the All Star Game, including materials such as his current statistics and seasonal highlights, please visit To vote for David online, please visit
For the love of everything that is holy, Ladies and Gangstas, just do it.
Ladies On The Field, Gangstas On The Bus
Views, opinions and gossip on our beloved Mets, from the ladies' perspective. No, we don't wear pink hats.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Overheard at Citifield
So Mr L and I have been to two games over the past week, and while I was forbidden by Mr L to go wandering as I tend to do (Shake Shack line + search for @katiestars = 45 minutes/3 innings) I was able to pay attention to conversations and such around us. Some exerpts, most of which are taken shamelessly out of context:
"This is why I hate baseball" (umm...then why you here, moron?)
"I don't know what is going on" (OK, you're willing to learn, we'll give you a pass)
"Please refrain from using inappropriate language" - Frenchy, on a PSA
"Jerry, you f&*kin' s#%thead!" (you didn't pay attention to Frenchy, now did you?)
"That'll be $19 and your firstborn child" (the parking attendant)
"Watch David strike out" (Mr L, just before David strikes out)
"Awww, JEEZ, DAVID!!!" (me, just after David strikes out)
"Lost a fortune two years ago, so did my clients, but this year's been great" (some a**hole yapping into his Blackberry)
"Crap. S**t. Goddamn, K-Rod! BOOOOOOOOO!!!!" (Pretty much the entire crowd earlier today)
*sigh* So far we're 1-1 this year. How about you?
"This is why I hate baseball" (umm...then why you here, moron?)
"I don't know what is going on" (OK, you're willing to learn, we'll give you a pass)
"Please refrain from using inappropriate language" - Frenchy, on a PSA
"Jerry, you f&*kin' s#%thead!" (you didn't pay attention to Frenchy, now did you?)
"That'll be $19 and your firstborn child" (the parking attendant)
"Watch David strike out" (Mr L, just before David strikes out)
"Awww, JEEZ, DAVID!!!" (me, just after David strikes out)
"Lost a fortune two years ago, so did my clients, but this year's been great" (some a**hole yapping into his Blackberry)
"Crap. S**t. Goddamn, K-Rod! BOOOOOOOOO!!!!" (Pretty much the entire crowd earlier today)
*sigh* So far we're 1-1 this year. How about you?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
First Place, Suckas
Seriously?? I haven't posted in a month?? Missed out on all the spring training goodies...meeting our new lovelies...opening day. Where the f$%k have I been??
Answer: Old job: Spent many hours at desk, in front of computer, avoiding work, clients and boss by reading & blogging about Mets.
New job: None of the above. Not only do I love new job but I spend literally every work hour with clients. No computer, in fact I don't even have one. Not necessary in my line of work. Rest assured, though, that I have written no fewer than 10 blog posts in the past month in my head, so it's not like I wasn't thinking of you all.
So there you have it. Will you ever forgive me for having neglected you all so horribly? More importantly, will the Mets??
A few things I will throw out there for your perusal before I slink shame-faced into the night (and mentally write my next post):
Henry Blanco has a mullet. Business in the front (facing pitchers,) party in the back (facing ump)!
At first glance, Jason Bay has weird, crazy-type eyes. On second glance, now that he's hitting I don't really care.
Francessa, as of today, is on the Mets bandwagon. He needs to get off before he tips the whole thing over.
David Wright has a scratch on his face, left of nose. Anyone else see it?
And OH YEAH!!!! We're in first place, gangstas!!!!!!!!!!!!
I continue to adore Twitter and have multiple accounts for my multiple personalities. So you can catch me there, from time to time.
Our old friend Lady G reached out to say hello with some links to share. Will post another time, as you've seen them before, so there's no rush.
Catch you soon. Kisses!!!
Answer: Old job: Spent many hours at desk, in front of computer, avoiding work, clients and boss by reading & blogging about Mets.
New job: None of the above. Not only do I love new job but I spend literally every work hour with clients. No computer, in fact I don't even have one. Not necessary in my line of work. Rest assured, though, that I have written no fewer than 10 blog posts in the past month in my head, so it's not like I wasn't thinking of you all.
So there you have it. Will you ever forgive me for having neglected you all so horribly? More importantly, will the Mets??
A few things I will throw out there for your perusal before I slink shame-faced into the night (and mentally write my next post):
Henry Blanco has a mullet. Business in the front (facing pitchers,) party in the back (facing ump)!
At first glance, Jason Bay has weird, crazy-type eyes. On second glance, now that he's hitting I don't really care.
Francessa, as of today, is on the Mets bandwagon. He needs to get off before he tips the whole thing over.
David Wright has a scratch on his face, left of nose. Anyone else see it?
And OH YEAH!!!! We're in first place, gangstas!!!!!!!!!!!!
I continue to adore Twitter and have multiple accounts for my multiple personalities. So you can catch me there, from time to time.
Our old friend Lady G reached out to say hello with some links to share. Will post another time, as you've seen them before, so there's no rush.
Catch you soon. Kisses!!!
David Wright,
Henry Blanco,
Jason Bay,
Mike Francesa,
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I Want to be an MLB Mascot
This is why:
Imagine being able to stick your finger in David Wright's ear without getting arrested...
Imagine being able to stick your finger in David Wright's ear without getting arrested...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
This Year, I Will Be Happy

Are you dreading the upcoming season? Losing sleep at night worrying about Ollie's mental state? Jose's thyroid? Waking up in a cold sweat shouting "TWO hands, Luis!!!" Anticipating the day that Jerry's post game philosophical musings leads to a beat writer's head exploding?
I understand. Mets fandom is fraught (love that word!!) with anxiety. We are the perennial little brothers in this town, the red-headed stepchildren of New York baseball. The ones without 27 rings (is it 27? Or 26? Doesn't matter, you get the point). The agony of the yearly emotional soup of hope/happiness/disgust/anger.
Every spring, it seems, there are questions. Will the pitching staff hold up? Who will come down with some bizarre injury/illness that will keep him out for 2 weeks to 3 months? Will there be more stealth firings? Will the obstructed views at Citi finally be un-obstructed? What about that DAMN center-field wall?
Don't know about you, but I am loving it. Rooting for the underdog in this town is tailor-made for me. It's frustrating, exciting, always interesting. How boring to be a Yankee fan, where most years a playoff run is a given. The most interesting news to come out of Yankee camp this spring is whether Joba should start or relieve. YAWN. Can we beat that horse to death, finally??
So my philosophy this year is to enjoy the run. I will cherish our first visit to Citi (whenever it may occur); that moment when you reach your level and see the field for the first time. I will love the ride home from work with Howie and Wayne to keep me company, no matter the score. I will keep SNY on all day Saturday afternoons, just to catch every minute of the pre-game shows. I will read about every controversy, argue with Mr L about every pitching change, and cry over every injury. And most importantly, I will not have any expectations for a playoff run. I am simply going to love watching Mets baseball this year. And if by some miracle the now-underdog Mets make it to the post season, watch out! My head may explode too.
Happy St Patty's Day, loves!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Spring Training Tidbits
It's here! The smell of the grass, the crack of the bat, the creaking of little-used joints (oh wait, that's just me getting off the couch, sorry)'s that time of year. Finally! After an anti-climatic off-season, where most of the action came not from the Mets front office but from the Mets blog-o-sphere (honestly, people, can we stop dumping on each other and focus on the team? Please? Who cares how people RT? Don't like it, don't follow!!) But I digress.
If you're a female Mets fan, there is no better sight than this picture.

This signifies the official start of the season. David Wright, always the first to arrive, in workout gear, newly buffed and polished. Ahhhh.
Spring training is a time to analyze, discuss, project and plan for the season ahead, and for our beloveds, there is much to discuss. Questions about the pitching staff, the cast of a thousand catchers, the state of hamstrings (see Reyes, J; Nieve, F; Neise, J; among others) and thumbs (see Francouer, J and Cora, A). As usual, however, we will leave such analysis to other, smarter folks. We are so giddy about the start of Spring Training that we are going to celebrate the good stuff. The fun stuff.
Stuff like Nelson Figurea providing John Maine with his very own parking spot. That Nelson! Such a card! He may not be the answer to our pitching woes, but he has proven himself to be a teammate par excellent. Can't a spot be found for him on the team? Perhaps as starting cheerleader/personality coordinator.
We also have our Jerry, with his soundbites already in mid-season form. According to our fearless leader, David Wright arrived in camp "spirtually and physically lighter" Oh Jerry, you wacky existentialist you! David Wright's mental state is essential to the success of this team, of course, but there is someone else who may be more qualified to testify (as she herself noted during the concussion crisis - the girlfriend knows all).
Finally we have our newest love - Jason Bay. By all accounts, this Canadian is a first-class teamate and player and immediately improves the team with his presence. More importantly, however, Jason Bay knows curling. What else do you need from a ballplayer?
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the spring training ride. The stress and chaos of the season will be upon us soon enough.
If you're a female Mets fan, there is no better sight than this picture.

This signifies the official start of the season. David Wright, always the first to arrive, in workout gear, newly buffed and polished. Ahhhh.
Spring training is a time to analyze, discuss, project and plan for the season ahead, and for our beloveds, there is much to discuss. Questions about the pitching staff, the cast of a thousand catchers, the state of hamstrings (see Reyes, J; Nieve, F; Neise, J; among others) and thumbs (see Francouer, J and Cora, A). As usual, however, we will leave such analysis to other, smarter folks. We are so giddy about the start of Spring Training that we are going to celebrate the good stuff. The fun stuff.
Stuff like Nelson Figurea providing John Maine with his very own parking spot. That Nelson! Such a card! He may not be the answer to our pitching woes, but he has proven himself to be a teammate par excellent. Can't a spot be found for him on the team? Perhaps as starting cheerleader/personality coordinator.
We also have our Jerry, with his soundbites already in mid-season form. According to our fearless leader, David Wright arrived in camp "spirtually and physically lighter" Oh Jerry, you wacky existentialist you! David Wright's mental state is essential to the success of this team, of course, but there is someone else who may be more qualified to testify (as she herself noted during the concussion crisis - the girlfriend knows all).
Finally we have our newest love - Jason Bay. By all accounts, this Canadian is a first-class teamate and player and immediately improves the team with his presence. More importantly, however, Jason Bay knows curling. What else do you need from a ballplayer?
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the spring training ride. The stress and chaos of the season will be upon us soon enough.
David Wright,
Jason Bay,
John Maine,
Nelson Figurea
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Diagnosis of Mike Francesa
Hi all! I've missed you!
There will be a post coming soon recapping this off-season's fun and frivolity, I promise you. Right now, however, we are suffering from a severe case of Jets fever (which differs from our children's cases of bronchitis-caused fever, but that's another story) and are not tuned in to Mets drama at the moment. I am going to give you all something to ponder, however, which spans both Mets and Jets fandom. As some of you know, I am employed in the mental health field (insert your own joke here) and have come to a conclusion about our favorite NY sports radio host after listening to his anti-Jets bluster all week. Check out the official DSM-IV-TR diagnosis criteria for Narcisstic Personality Disorder, and tell me he isn't a poster child for this condition:
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
requires excessive admiration
has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
Help is available, Mike. Contact me for a referral.
There will be a post coming soon recapping this off-season's fun and frivolity, I promise you. Right now, however, we are suffering from a severe case of Jets fever (which differs from our children's cases of bronchitis-caused fever, but that's another story) and are not tuned in to Mets drama at the moment. I am going to give you all something to ponder, however, which spans both Mets and Jets fandom. As some of you know, I am employed in the mental health field (insert your own joke here) and have come to a conclusion about our favorite NY sports radio host after listening to his anti-Jets bluster all week. Check out the official DSM-IV-TR diagnosis criteria for Narcisstic Personality Disorder, and tell me he isn't a poster child for this condition:
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
requires excessive admiration
has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
Help is available, Mike. Contact me for a referral.
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