Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Keith's Quotes of the day

If you look to your right, you will notice a new feature here at the Ladies' home. Keith's quotes feature a new quote every day from one of the original gangstas, and current Met announcer par excellent Keith Hernandez. The Ladies had discovered a Facebook page devoted solely to Keith's brain farts, and we laughed for days reading it. Thanks to Mike over at Global Mets for providing us lazy-ass bloggers with a funny, entertaining feature that we did not have to work for.

Also note the Ladies have finally figured out how to put a feed on the sidebar, so feel free to subscribe. Actually, please do, as it will validate the many hours of agonizing brain work the Ladies put in trying to understand feeds - the Ladies are low-tech kind of girls!

More later on today's spring training events, and a critique of all the press David Wright's been doing lately (you can just picture Jay Horowitz behind him with a whip). Can the media possibly kiss his butt any more? jeez...


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for adding the random Keith quotes generator... I hope you like it...

    I haven't updated the quotes in a while, but pretty soon I'll add more

    Mike P
    Global Mets
