Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mickey Mouse and Hero Worship

Greetings from Disney World! As LadyMet's own mini-gangstas are on winter break this week, the whole family trekked down south to visit LadyMet's other love, Mickey. Which reminds the Ladies of a thought we had before we left on the dangers of hero worship.

While visiting our favorite boards and blogs recently, we have noticed a trend of fans, mostly David Wright fanatics, putting the poor gangsta up on a pedestal so high he's getting a nosebleed. An innocent comment on a fan board about the struggle DW had in coming up with something PC to say about A-Rod (cause, honestly, how do you condemn and defend all in the same statement?) caused members to jump to his defense. "He has to be PC, and that's not a bad thing!" Okaaaay...look, the Ladies know all about DW's values and morals, how he is a prince among men, etc etc. but take it easy, people. He is human, and is entitled to be human. He has a carefully crafted image, which he is very good at maintaining, and which serves him well in the baseball world and beyond. He has, however, shown glimpses of his humanity - remember his drinking pics with LoDuca? or his going public with Molly? Women were shocked! He dates only prim and proper schoolteachers, not loose wanna-be models! Then, the whispers about road beef and provocative pics of blue glitter pasties - he would NEVER sleep with such whores! He was raised better than that!

Golly, as Goofy would say. Let the man be human, and do the things a normal 26 year-old likes to do, as he himself has said. We know he is a good person with a big heart, but he has to let loose sometimes too. And how do you know he has never sampled some prime road beef? The only one who really knows is him, and he ain't talking.

Smarter people than the Ladies have discussed the dangers of putting our athletes on the same level as, say, Abraham Lincoln, and the fact that in the end, we all lose. They are athletes, not humanitarians, after all.

Now if you're looking for a hero, LadyMet suggests you look no further than Mickey Mouse. He has never cheated on Minnie, never held out for a bigger contract from Walt, and treats his dog Pluto like a king.

So the Ladies apologize for the lack of baseball here, especially given that it is spring training and there is undoubtedly lots of good stuff going on over in PSL, but our attention is elsewhere. Until next time, kisses!!

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