Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One Down, 161 To Go...

Highly original, that title...

A quickie today; pre-vacation, post-opening day, as the LadyMet family prepares to drive to VA for Busch Gardens. Yes, people, this is what you do when you have kids. Anyway, some thoughts:

Daniel Murphy. You are quickly proving the Ladies prescient in their adoration of you. Note to Reds broadcasters: it's Daniel, not Dennis. Someday, when he's in the Hall, you are going to be embarrassed by that mistake.

Gary Sheffield likes David Wright more than Jimmy Rollins.

Ryan Church is not giving up right field without a fight.

As a sign of respect, and a gift following his first official save as a Met, we will henceforth refer to K-Rod as Frankie, as he prefers. At least until he blows a few.

Danielle at The Wright Stuff has written a kick-ass guide to Citifield. Read it and you're good to go.

Johan. Our love grows stronger every day.

Hey, offense? This is what hitting with RISP looks like: 5-1 Mets over Reds. This is what it looks like without it: 2-1, Mets over Reds. We'll take the win, don't get us wrong. But let's not fall back into bad habits, OK?

Was it just us, or did Brett Myers' head look like it was going to pop like one of David Wright's bubbles during that loss Sunday nite?

Off days following opening day suck. Wonder what the gangstas are doing in Cincinnati today? Any ideas? What do people do in Cincinnati, anyway?

Comments section is open for business, give us your thoughts on these, and any other pressing topics you may have...



  1. http://www.nj.com/mets/index.ssf/2009/04/new_york_mets_headed_to_the_mo.html

    Looks like they will be hitting up the movies :)

  2. Adventureland is great :)
