Sunday, April 5, 2009

This Is David Wright's Girlfriend - Or Is It? Some Pre-Opening Day Gossip

Yes, we know, conventional gossip says the lovely woman in the picture above is Molly Beers, David Wright's girlfriend. Model, of course. Very skinny model. Wearing a very expensive dress, natch.

But we digress. There have been rumblings for some years now, even before the world knew about Ms. Beers, about a schoolteacher that David was supposed to be quite taken with. Now, if you alert readers have been keeping up with the gossip boards, you know who I am talking about. She has been named on those boards, but will not be here. These rumors died out somewhat post-Molly pics, but have resurfaced of late, most noticably in LadyMet's mailbox.

Now, LadyMet would not have brought this up if she were not convinced there was something to this story. So, after careful investigation, we present it to you, dear readers, for your consideration. The Ladies invite you to share your thoughts/experiences/knowledge of this very important topic with the rest of the blogosphere. Or at least with LadyMet's mailbox, which is open for business.

Keep in mind that we are still angry at David over the mustache refusal, and this only adds fuel to the fire. Who the girlfriend is, we don't even care. But would it kill you, David, to be honest the next time a reporter asks you if you are single? Instead of dancing around the subject? You've had your opportunities, and the replies are sounding a bit disingenuous. Let's try this on for size:

Reporter: Is David Wright single?

David: Well, I'm not married, but I am in a relationship. Baseball, however, still comes first. My girlfriend understands this.

There! Wasn't that easy? You don't have to name her. Unless she is looking for more publicity, of course. Don't worry, your image will not take a hit. It is, after all, the honest thing to do.



  1. I for one would like to know the name of these message boards so I can make up mind if it's true or not. Could someone please let me know what they are? I am totally clueless about this.

    Just to name a few :)

  3. thank you for the websites.

  4. :)
    Ya they said DW was liked to some lawyer forget her name...its all bs folks.... the sites are sheer ent enjoy !

  5. You people need to find something to do with your lives and stop being so concerned about others - what a waste of time!!

  6. Agreed to the post above. I love David Wright, but those gossip sites are pure garbage. I stopped reading them the moment I started... if that makes any sense.

  7. Less than a week from now and you will know the truth. Trust me.

  8. Right now from a reliable friend to David's camp...he is dating (4 women) Molly, Sam, a girl from NJ where he has his beautiful 4,000 SF house in Manalpan, and some chic from florda.

    Peoole will shoot their mouths off anyway and the fact that there is very unflattering pix of her right now on The DWF site...if that is molly? She's packed on about 30 pounds...she bettter start working out and keeping it athletic if she wants to stay in DW's roation -And so what if we like to gossip.....

    P.s the Lawyer's name was Madison Whitfield who he want out with twice in March before she moved to London and she was also a size 4.
