Hi Ladies!
Those of you who follow this blog regularly (yes, there are a few!) already know what we're about, so forgive me if I provide a review of our existence for those who come here solely for the David Wright gossip.
We are, first and foremost, a Mets fan site. We cry when they are losing, we love them when they are winning. In between, we poke fun at the images created by the HUGE NY sports media machine. We are snarky, sarcastic and occasionally rude. Generally speaking, this can also be said for the hundreds (thousands?) of other Mets blogs out there. The difference is our tendency towards gossip. Gossip is a part of living in the biggest media center in the world, and if you are a public figure here, you are fair game. Whether a politician, television star or sports figure, you cannot escape it. Most of these figures know enough to take the gossip with a grain of salt, and as an unfortunate side-effect of working on the "big stage". They are smart enough to know that the benefits of being a star in New York far outweigh the annoyances. It can also be said that gossip serves these stars as a form of free publicity. Show me a publicist who has not planted a gossip item in Page Six in order to generate talk about his client, and I will tell you he is not earning his paycheck. The gossip world works both ways, folks. Marketing 101. Yes, even for sports stars.
To be specific about our gossip items, I will tell those who think I am being "mean" to DWright and his girlfriend(s) to please grow up. Our items are
nothing compared to what else is out there. Ever seen
The Dirty? I have withheld much of what I have learned, I am not about to "out" someone publicly without her direct request. This last item could have been much worse, trust me. I don't ask that people believe what I say, you are free to disagree (that's what comment sections are for) or you are free to simply ignore the whole thing (that's why there is a warning in the heading, duh!) But to take me to task for being mean is just you being naive (see previous paragraph) Perhaps you should contact
The Big Lead also, and scold them for breaking the Molly b-day pictures. Or perhaps not, as
that story was planted by someone close to DWright and Molly. An example of the star's camp using the gossip machine to their own advantage. And who's to say that this item wasn't planted also? Perhaps someone
wants to make her relationship known, to end the Molly talk. And as for DWright being disingenuous about his public declarations of being single, it is what it is. I seriously doubt he cares if we feel this way, he is more concerned about criticism of his play on the field, of which there has been tons, some of it quite vicious. And honestly, for me, this is all pure entertainment, nothing more. After all, isn't that what sports and gossip is?
Which brings me to my last point (I know, finally!) To one of the commenters: Please don't presume to think you know the state of my ego. Attempts at internet psychoanalysis are always a bad idea. So is sanctimonous bullshit, and condescending "advice" on my writing career. In my "real" life, I write about real issues, the kind of which I can only hope you never have to face in your life. This blog is entertainment; a hobby, if you will. So keep your sunshine-and-puppies advice for your local junior high journalism class, m'kay?
Kisses, Ladies!