Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday at HoJo's

Isn't it amazing how the Ladies are able to get access to all these Mets gatherings? Never underestimate the power of determined female fans...anyway, following you will find a tidbit from today's Super Bowl festivities at Howard Johnson's house in Florida, where he hosted David Wright, Daniel Murphy and Nick Evans.

HoJo: Hey guys! How was your winter? David, I'm glad to see you kept yourself out of the papers, except to say all the politically correct things about charity work, the team and how you'll all do better next year...

DW: Yeah, yeah, whatever. God, I'm so tired of being Mr. Nice Guy all the time. Nick, get me some whiskey.

Nick: Yes sir.

Daniel: Why you calling him sir?

Nick: Cause I'm a rookie, and he told me to.

Daniel: He doesn't make me call him sir, and I'm a rookie too.

DW: That's because you're gonna be a star, like me. He's not.

HoJo: That's not right, David. As your baseball father, I am reprimanding you for your behavior.

DW: Oh please, cut the crap. Gimme some beef.

HoJo: What's gotten into you?

DW: I am sick and tired of being the responsible one! I'm the one who talks to the goddamn press after every game. I'm the one who has to live in NY and hear the goddamn fans in the streets every winter, with their taunts. I had to cut back on my endorsements after that tool Keith Hernandez criticized me for doing too much during the season - you know how much money that jackass cost me? And I'm the one that has to hide my sex life, so The Dirty doesn't get their filthy hands on a picture of me in a hot tub with a boatload of Playmates!

Nick: Hey, can I have a Playmate too?

Daniel: No talking, rook! (Nick starts to cry)

HoJo: You guys are terrible! Look, you made him cry.

DW: So what? You know how many times Cliff Floyd made me cry in my rookie year? It'll make him a man......tosses back his whiskey...Hey, anyone want to go get some road beef?

HoJo: What are you talking about? I have beef right here on the BBQ...

DW: Not that kind of beef, old man...c'mon, Daniel, let's go

Nick: Hey, what about me?

Daniel: You stay here and keep HoJo company. And if anyone named "Vito" calls about me covering the spread for the game, I was never here...

Oh dear...

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